This family mystery is about to drive me mad!!
First a little background. These two beautiful women are my great grandmother Catherine “Kate” (Myers) Kieron and her sister Bridget “Delia” (Myers) Mitschke. They were born in Ower Townland, County Galway, Ireland in the 1860s.
Both emigrated to the United States and lived in Montana – Bridget in about 1887 and Kate in the mid 1890s. Sadly, Kate died in Butte in 1902 and Delia in Helena in 1903. You can read more here about Kate’s story.
The mystery – and the madness – enters the story with their brothers, Denis, Thomas, Patrick and Michael. All four brothers also emigrated to Montana between about 1899 and 1901 and lived in Montana near their sisters.
And then after Delia died in 1903, all four brothers simply disappeared. Or so it seems. Continue reading