Yesterday, I wrote a post here about the passing of my great grandfather David Lyman Blacker. Today I would like to share two newspaper articles that appeared in the local papers the day after he died.
The articles are interesting and informative – and quite often incorrect. I’ve transcribed both articles and included footnotes so you can see what I mean.
The first is titled “Death Claims David Blacker”. A transcription of the article is below the image.

David Lyman Blacker, one of the best known pioneers of Helena died at the family home on Rodney street last evening after an illness extending over a period of several months. He had been suffering with paralysis and this coupled with his his [sic] extreme age was the cause of death. In his passing the city loses one of its most highly esteemed and venerable citizens, and the state one of its oldest pioneers. Mr. Blacker was a native of Missouri1 and at the time of his death was approaching his eighty-second year. he was married in this city, February 22, 1879, to Miss Ada Buchenau2, and leaves surviving him his wife, three daughters, Misses Helen katherine and zetta, a son, Jack, whose home is now in Seattle and a brother, J. C. Blacker, a resident of Radersburg. His family with the exception of his son Jack, was at the bedside when the final summons came, as was Moses Morris, an intimate friend of nearly half a century.
Upon his arrival in the west, Mr. Blacker located in Colorado where he conducted a bakery in several of the mining camps of that state. In 1863, after spending three years in Colorado he joined in the rush to Alder Gulch in this state, where with associates he engaged in the mining business. Two years later he came to Helena3 and has since made his home in this city, although his operations have been extended to different parts of the state. For a number of years he was interested and successfully conducted some mines at Radersburg with John Keating. Later he embarked in the cattle business in which he also achieved considerable success.
Mr. Blacker was a member of King Solomon lodge of the Masonic fraternity and the funeral will be held under the auspices of that order, but as yet the day and the time have not been decided upon.
George F. Ingram, vice-president of the Lewis and Clark society of Montana pioneers has appointed a committee, comprised of A. M. Holter, Con Kohrs, T. C. Power, Henry M. Parchens, Williams Simms, J. C. Sanders, Ben Benson, Harry Hay Sr., S. T. Hauser and J. B. Willson to represent the soceity at the funeral of Mr. Blacker. The vice-president also requests that all members of the society attend the funeral.
The second article is titled “Dave Blacker Answers Call”. Transcription of the article is below the image.

Well Known Colorado and Montana Pioneer Expires at Home in Helena.
Old-Time Resident Had Lived in Helena Since 18654 and Had Numerous Friends Throughout the State–Date Due to Old Age–Date of Funeral Not Yet Decided Upon.
David Lyman Blacker, pioneer of Colorado and Montana, and good citizen, died last evening at the family home, 335 North Rodney street, after a lingering illness, death being due to old age. When the end came, Mr. Blacker was surrounded by his wife, three daughters, a brother and Moses Morris, his friend for over half a century.
Mr. Blacker was born in Missouri5 August 29, 1829, and was married in Helena February 22, 1879, to Miss Adah Buckner 6. In 1860, Mr. Blacker went to Colorado, where he conducted bakeries in the well-known mining camps of that state. In 1863 he was attracted by the discovery of gold in Montana and went to Virginia City, where he engaged in mining in Alder gulch.
Lived Long in Helena
Two years later he came to Helena 7, and this has been his home ever since, although he has conducted operations in various parts of the state. In Radersburg, Mr. Blacker was interested in mining, being in company with John Keating. Later he branched out into the cattle growing business, in which he was very successful.
Mr. Blacker leaves a wife and three daughters, Zetta, Katherine and Helenn [sic], and one son, Jake [sic] Blacker, who is now in Seattle; as well as a brother, J. C. Blacker, whose home is in Radersburg.
Arrangements for the funeral will not be completed until the day of the son’s arrival is ascertained.
Mr. Blacker was a member of King Solomon lodge of the Masonic fraternity, under the auspices of which the funeral will be held.
- After a careful review of all sources for his birthplace and birthdate, of which there are many, I believe it is more likely that “Mr. Blacker” was born in Pennsylvania. I previously wrote a blog about this issue which you will find here. At this time, I think the basis for the statement that he was a native of Missouri may be that he spent a number of years there prior to moving on to Colorado and then Montana. ↩
- David and his wife Ada were married in Doniphan County, Kansas on February 22, 1871. See Doniphan County, Kansas, Marriage Records, Book A, p. 80, David Blacker-Ada Buchenau, 1871; Probate Judge’s Office, Troy. ↩
- Numerous records, including the birth records of his first three children, and a newspaper article stating he was moving his family to Helena in 1882, indicate he did not move to Helena until some time in late 1882. ↩
- See footnote #3. ↩
- See footnote #1. ↩
- Her name was “Ada Buchenau”. ↩
- See footnote #3. ↩