It’s interesting to me that we know very little about the BLACKER side of my family – my mother’s maiden name. Well, we actually know a great deal about her grandfather, DAVID LYMAN BLACKER – once he arrived in Montana that is. But we know very little about his German parents, LEWIS BLACKER and MARGARET R. LOURY.
- We know they were both born in Germany but where? And who are their parents?
- We know they immigrated to the United States but when?
- And when did they die? And where are they are buried?
Yesterday, however, I received some possible new information that I’m very excited to share! Here’s how it all came about.
Last month, while doing some research on Ancestry.com, I came across a newly posted photograph of a grave stone for MARGARET R. (LOURY) BLACKER1. The grave stone also contains her birth date – 1 December 1806 – and her death date – 15 September 1890. All new information!!
I immediately contacted the Ancestry member who added the photograph with lots of questions. She responded yesterday and here is the information she shared:2
- Name: Margaret Rebecca Blacker
- Birth: 1806 in Germany
- Date of Burial: 16 September 1890 in Oakwood Cemetery, Macomb, McDonough County, Illinois
- Cause of Death: Old Age (Dropsey)3
- Mother: Mary Ullery4
- Siblings: “Chris”, Kate (smith), Lydia and others.5
- Spouse: Lewis Blacker
- Issue: Caroline (Goudy), Catherine, David6, Susan (Mental), Elizabeth (Pearce)7, Lydia, Mary, Sarah (Ford)(Connor)8, Ann (Stone), Jacob, Harriett, Henry, Thomas and Louisa.9
As usual, all this new information begs even more questions10 – all of which I’m following now. I’ll share updates as I get more information and answers.
On a lighter note, when I stopped by my Mom’s house yesterday to share the exciting news, she shared with me my daily horoscope from our local newspaper –
“Everyone fits in somewhere. You suspect it’s harder for you now because of your uncommon talents and interests11 – you might be right. Luckily you have the Internet to help you look for your tribe.”12
Well, I don’t know about all that – but I think it’s safe to predict some tumbling brick walls in my genealogy future!
- The photo was added by another Ancestry member. I have asked her for permission to share that photo on this blog. In the meantime, for those of you that have a subscription to Ancestry, you can find it attached to Margaret in my “Blacker Family Tree”. ↩
- She stated her source as follows: “McDonough County Genealogical Society Book of the Oakwood Cemetery listings”. ↩
- According to MedicineNet.com, dropsey is “An old term for the swelling of soft tissues due to the accumulation of excess water.” Probably edema due to congestive heart failure. ↩
- Possibly the best bit of new information! I’ve done a little checking and it appears this is a German surname. Bingo! ↩
- Wonderful new leads! Wow!! ↩
- I assume this is DAVID LYMAN BLACKER. ↩
- This is one sister I already knew about. ↩
- A second sister that I knew about. ↩
- Fourteen children?!? More wonderful new leads!! More wow!!! ↩
- Not the least of which is, am I sure this is the right person?? ↩
- Uh, what the heck does that mean?? ↩
- Love it!! ↩